Please register!
To better serve the community, this year we are asking everyone to register for this event. It’s free and only takes a minute.
Registration provides you access to all the Zoom links and subsequent symposium newsletters and updates.

A virtual symposium
Due to the COVID-pandemic, this symposium will be held 100% virtually meaning you can participate and enjoy any event from the comfort and safety of your home via Zoom.
Links to all all symposium events, including individual posters and speakers will be made available on this website on or before the symposium begins.
Keynote Panel Discussion
“Adapting in Uncertain Times”
7:30 – 8:45 pm

Coralynn Davis
Professor of Women’s & Gender Studies
Bucknell University

Sandy Spieler
Founder & former Director
“In the Heart of the Beast” Puppet and Mask Theatre

Allison Acevedo
Director of Environmental Justice

Friar Mike Lasky
Chairman of Franciscan Conventual’s Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation Ministry and President of Franciscan Action Network
Franciscan Friars Conventual:
Our Lady of Angels Province

Charles Lee
Senior Policy Advisor for
Environmental Justice