Poster Presentations


In response to climate change, many local governments are supporting state and federal greenhouse gas(GHG)  reduction targets with the development of their own plans for climate mitigation and adaptation to build their own resiliency. The Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) has developed a program with ICLEI to aid local…

Homelessness Research and Awareness Project

The Homelessness Research and Awareness Project seeks to address the rising issue of homelessness within Shamokin, PA. This project is being completed at the request of The Faith Alliance for Revitalization, a coalition of nonprofits, businesses, volunteers, and government in the Shamokin area. The goal of the research project…

Effect of Nitrates on Algae Bloom Formation

One of the largest threats to aquatic ecosystems are harmful algae blooms (HABs) which are caused by excess levels of nutrients such as phosphorus and nitrogen. Agricultural runoff is a relevant issue in North East Pennsylvania (NEPA) and a leading source of phosphorus and nitrogen into waterbodies. Excess of nitrates…

The Influence of the Transport of PM 2.5 and Ozone on Lancaster County Air Quality

The collateral impact of emissions present in the atmosphere is exacerbated by the increased in ambient air temperatures. Utilizing the Environmental Protection Agency ‘s (EPA) outdoor air quality data from AirNow, we focus on the pollutants ozone and PM2.5 in Lancaster, Pennsylvania. This study is focused on days that…

Nature’s Unifying Patterns: Sustainable Biomimicry

In fall 2020, I added a sustainability component to my elective course, BMEG 431: Biomimetic Materials. The Biomimicry Institute ( defines biomimicry as “the practice of looking to nature for inspiration to solve design problems in a regenerative way.” The implication is that it is not enough to look…